Prof. Ikram Sehgal
Prof. Ikram Sehgal is an Honorary Senior Fellow (Professorship) at Singularity Academy. In this role, Prof. Sehgal mentors Singularity Academy’s students and promotes singularity education in Pakistan and worldwide.
Prof. Ikram Sehgal graduated from Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul; served in Pakistan Army (Infantry and Army Aviation). He was the first Pakistani PW in history to escape from India (in July 1971), battlefield promotion to the rank of Major commanding a rifle company on 13 Dec 71, and had a commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) with over 2000 hours in helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
Prof. Sehgal writes and publishes regularly. As a Director of EastWest Institute (EWI) USA (Director of the Year 2016), he is the Publisher & Chief Editor of Defence Journal (DJ), writing weekly columns for various magazines and newspapers.
Prof. Sehgal regularly Speaks at Defence Services Institutions (like National Defence University (NDU), etc) and International Think Tanks. He holds the Vice President and Member Executive Committee, Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE), the Chairman, Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR), Karachi, and Member Board of Governors (BOG), Lawrence College, Ghora Gali (GG).
Prof. Seghal served as a former Director of Bank Alfalah Ltd (16 years) and Chairman K-Electric (KE) and Foundation Member, World Economic Forum (WEF), Switzerland, Formerly Member WEF Global Agenda Council (GAC) for Counter-Terrorism and now “Anti-Corruption and Transparency” and Member WEF Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). As a Former Member Business Advisory Board (BAB), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva, Prof. Ikram Sehgal is Co-Chairman of the ‘Pakistan Committee of the Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce (SACC), Geneva. He is the former Chairman of All Pakistan Security Agencies Association (APSAA), a Senior Advisor, Director, and Member Advisory Committee on CPEC Projects of the National Institute of Strategic Communication (NISC), Peking University, China.